
Fate of SHIELD: Part 4 - The Show

My goal is to keep Coulson's team well away from my players, (and hopefully they'll be too busy to try to get in touch) but they do exist in the same universe.  And it's a fun activity for me to come up with aspects for them.  Plus when I went looking for them, I couldn't find anyone having statted them up.  So I went ahead and did so.  I'm trying to keep spoilers mild, but...

WARNING: SPOILERS!!! (especially for Ward)

Name: Phil Coulson
High Concept: The SHIELD Agent
Trouble: Tahiti Is a Magical Place
Phase 1: This Is My Team
Phase 2: Don't Touch Lola
Phase 3: They're Worth Saving
Great +4: Rapport
Good +3: Shoot, Fight
Fair +2: Will, Physique, Athletics
Average +1: Deceive, Drive, Contacts, Investigate
Well-traveled: +2 to Contacts when in a place where he's had past missions
Back From The Dead: Once per session may spend a Fate point to downgrade a physical consequence
Lola: Honest to goodness flying car.
Physical Stress: OOO
Mental Stress: OOO
Refresh: 3

Name: Leopold Fitz
High Concept: Youngest SHIELD Academy Graduate
Trouble: Just a Bit Awkward
Phase 1: I'm Fitz, She's Simmons
Phase 2: Hi-Ho, It's Off to Work We Go
Phase 3: A Trained Monkey Could Do This
Great +4: Lore
Good +3: Craft, Contacts
Fair +2: Notice, Investigate, Drive
Average +1: Resources, Will, Empathy, Deceive
Best Mobile Lab Around: +2 to Craft and Investigate when working in his lab
DWARF Drones: May at the beginning of a scene declare that his drones are there in his place, alternately may pay a Fate point to have them join him
Lateral Thinking: +2 to Investigate when following up on a wild theory
Physical Stress: OO
Mental Stress: OOO
Refresh: 3

Name: Jemma Simmons
High Concept: Ace SHIELD Scientist
Trouble: I Just Have To Get My Hands On It
Phase 1: I'm Simmons, He's Fitz
Phase 2: There's the Soliton Hypothesis...
Phase 3: It's Science! I Have to Dissect Something!
Great +4
Good +3: Crafts, Investigate
Fair +2: Empathy, Will, Rapport
Average +1: Contacts, Deceive, Drive, Notice
Simmons, Bio-Chem: +2 to Craft and Investigate when working in her lab
Analytical Mind: May use Investigate instead of Notice
Academic All-Star: +2 to Rapport with other scientists
Physical Stress: OO
Mental Stress: OOO
Refresh: 3

Name: Grant Ward
High Concept: Once SHIELD, Now HYDRA Killer
Trouble: Is It A Weakness?
Phase 1: I Try to Mask My Pain in Front of a Beautiful Woman
Phase 2: You Brought Me on for Risk Assessment
Phase 3: Yeah, It's Kick Ass, All the Violence
Great +4: Shoot
Good +3: Fight, Will
Fair +2: Physique, Athletics, Deceive
Average +1: Stealth, Drive, Notice, Investigate
Bolt Holes and Drop Boxes: May use Contacts in place of Resources to obtain mission-related equipment
Deep Cover: +2 to Deceive about his true intentions
Uncanny Accuracy: Extra free invoke on aiming related advantages
Physical Stress: OOO
Mental Stress: OOOO
Refresh: 3

Name: Skye
High Concept: New-to-SHIELD Hacker
Trouble: Who Am I?
Phase 1: Can't Stop the Signal
Phase 2: I Prefer the Term Hacktivist
Phase 3: 100 People with 1% of the Solution
Great +4: Rapport
Good +3: Lore, Craft
Fair +2: Empathy, Will, Investigate
Average +1: Contacts, Shoot, Fight, Notice
SHIELD Armories: May use Contacts in place of Resources to obtain mission-related equipment
Crowdsourcing: May use Rapport for Contacts when trying to solve a problwm through teamwork
White Hat: +2 to Investigate when using digital media

Physical Stress: OO
Mental Stress: OOO
Refresh: 3

Name: Melinda May
High Concept: SHIELD Bus Driver
Trouble: The Cavalry
Phase 1: Zen Warrior
Phase 2: I'm Ready to Kick Some Butt
Phase 3: You Guys Talk a Lot
Great +4: Fight
Good +3: Physique, Will
Fair +2: Stealth, Athletics, Shoot
Average +1: Deceive, Drive, Notice, Investigate
I Am a Weapon: Unarmed Weapon 2
Mind Over Matter: May spend a Fate point to convert one physical consequence to a mental consequence
Berserker Staff: May spend a Fate point once per scene to gain +2 to Fight
Physical Stress: OOOO
Mental Stress: OOOO
Refresh: 3

Name: Antoine Triplett
High Concept: SHIELD Specialist
Trouble: I've Been Betrayed
Phase 1: Grandson of a Howling Commando
Phase 2: Brains and Brawn
Phase 3: I Bring the Noise and the Funk
Great +4: Fight
Good +3: Shoot, Athletics
Fair +2: Will, Physique, Rapport
Average +1: Lore, Drive, Contacts, Investigate
SSR Gear: May spend a Fate point once per scene to produce an item handed down from his grandfather
SHIELD Legacy: +2 to Lore about SHIELD or its enemies
SHIELD Armories: May use Contacts in place of Resources to obtain mission-related equipment
Physical Stress: OOO
Mental Stress: OOO
Refresh: 3

Name: Deathlok (Mike Peterson
High Concept: Cyborg Superhero
Trouble: Let Me See My Son
Phase 1: This is My Origin Story
Phase 2: I'm Ready to Kick Some Butt
Phase 3: You Guys Talk a Lot
Great +4: Fight
Good +3: Physique, Will
Fair +2: Notice, Athletics, Shoot
Average +1: Deceive, Drive, Resources, Investigate
Trample: Once per scene, when you succeed with style on a create advantage roll with Physique and place an aspect on an opponent, you may exchange one of your free invocations for a 2-shift hit on that opponent
Super Computer: Free second invoke of any advantages referencing his computer
Backscatter Device: +2 to Notice if performing no other actions
Physical Stress: OOOO
Mental Stress: OOOO

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