
Excuse me while I freak out...

Recently Blizzard announced that they'd bought the IPL team and technology from IGN.  That small team (and this explains why sone eSports people have suddenly moved to the Bay Area) is going to be based out of San Francisco and will be handling the expansion of Blizzard's eSports presence, presumably starting with a focus on the StarCraft II WCS.  That's basically the most amazing news I've heard ever.  I love the WCS concept and now Blizzard is back in my neighborhood.

A little background...  I've wanted to work for Blizzard since I was 14 (that's more than half my life!) and I haven't really seriously considered it (aside from planning to enter the Blizzard Writing Contest in hopes of being a fiction writer for them at a distance) in about a decade.  I'm pretty entrenched in the Bay Area, given that most of my family and friends are here.  On top of that my wife has what is basically her dream job here and her family and friends are similarly local.  I can't justify asking her to give up her dream to chase mine, it's just not in my nature.  Back in the day, though, I daydreamed about joining Blizzard North, which used to be not too far from my dad's house.

And, as I wrote not too long ago, I'm a big fan of eSports.  I watch tournaments regularly, have favorite players in a few different regions/leagues, and will frequently turn on StarCraft II replays in the background as I game or write.  So now Blizzard is in town to create an office locally and cover something I enjoy?   That definitely piques my interest.

I've got no clear idea if Blizzard will be hiring for this team any time soon, but I can assure that I'll be watching for it closely.  Ideally, I'd love for them to post a job writing tournament recaps and player bios/interviews. Those things, I think, would add to the "find and root for local heroes" vibe Blizzard has said they're going for and those are things I've got some experience and interest in writing.  Obviously, I can't dictate to the company, but I can hope.

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